Julieth Taylorr's Recent Blogs

My blogs are private just to my fan club members! I can write dirty fantasies or keep you updated about my life with my blogs.

Deal Date: Aug 26th @ 4:01pm EDT
I would love for us to spend more time together, I have new deals that will make this possible gain extra time in my private shows (k)
Trato Date: Aug 26th @ 4:01pm EDT
Me encantaria que pasaramos mas tiempo juntos, tengo nuevos tratos que haran esto posible gana tiempo extra en mis shows privados (k)
lover's Date: Aug 26th @ 3:54pm EDT
chicos muchas gracias por seguirme y siempre estar aqui conmigo, su presencia es muy importante para mi, no olvide activar las notificaciones que les ayudaran a saber cuando estoy en linea dale Clik al Sobre
lover's Date: Aug 26th @ 3:53pm EDT
guys thank you for following me and always being here with me, your presence is very important for me, do not forget to activate notifications that will help them know when I'm online Clik Al Envelope
Club de fans Date: Aug 22nd @ 6:15pm EDT
hola chicos quiero invitarlos a unirse a mi club de fans para que disfruten de todo el contenido exclusivo que acabo se subir espero disfruten de las fotos que tengo para ustedes besos (k)
Club de fans Date: Aug 22nd @ 6:14pm EDT
hello guys, I want to invite them to join my fan club so that they enjoy all the exclusive content that I finish climbing I hope you enjoy the photos that I have for you kisses (k)
Members get a 5% discount on my shows and VODs, plus I can give you free Members Only shows and you'll show up in my room in my special fan font color. If you join now, you'll immediately get access to my exclusive content, be able to post on our private